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Strategic partners

With the help of European Commission funding, Green Energy carried out several projects in Romania to develop the bioenergy sector. Projects were funded through the European Union's Research and Innovation Program Horizon 2020. 

  • BioEnergyTrain - European cooperation for higher education
  • Phoenix - Exchange of experience between researchers in the field of bioresources
  • BioVill (Bioenergy Villages) - Increasing the Market Uptake of Sustainable Bioenergy
  • AgroBioHeat - Promoting the penetration of agrobiomass heating in European rural areas

To streghten the cluster organisation Green Energy benefitted from Europe’s programme for small and medium-sized enterprises, COSME.

  • Cosmenerg - Cluster Excellence project in Central and Eastern European network of cluster organisations in the field of (eco- and bio) energy, renewable energy and environmental technologies
  • Cosmenerg 4i - Global Clusters for Renewable Energy and Environmental Technologies' is the biggest cluster partnership in the field of renewable energy and environmental technologies originating in Central and Eastern Europe.

Urban Innovative Actions Initiative supports the most innovative cities of Europe in piloting yet-untested and completely novel solutions to pressing urban challenges.

Green Energy Cluster is part of the SPIRE - Smart Post-Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem - project consortium.

Read more about the initiative

Through the support from the Norway Grants, Green Energy Cluster implemented a project that aimed to create a community scale model for biomass utilization for sustainable local economic development and encourage development of local eco-businesses along biomass value chain.

The project has been financed by the Green Industry Innovation Programme 2009-2014. 

More information about the project

This initiative has been conducted under the Fund for Bilateral Relations at the level of Programme RO05 Energy Efficiency.

The aim of the project was an experience exchange to increase energy efficiency in rural areas in the Central Region.

Green Energy Cluster implemented a project entitled: Switching to district heating systems for diversification of supply, reducing gas dependency and increasing the use of locally available renewable sources.

The main idea of this seed money project was to help the uptake of renewable district heating systems based on biomass and solar in the South-east part of Danube region, that way switching from the currently used fossil fuel based heating systems. Due to its scope, the project addressed the EUSDR Priority Area 2: Sustainable Energy. The topic being tackled was Topic 2 – Promotion of RES: More efficient use of RES.

More about the programme
Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Danube

With the help of UEFISCDI, Green Energy carried out 2 projects in the bioenergy sector:

1. Ligsalchem: „Extensive valorization of lignin and salicylic acid to bulk and fine chemicals”
Supported under PNCDI II Programul “Parteneriate” – Proiecte Colaborative de Cercetare Aplicativă (PCCA) in the period 2011-2016

2. Salix Viminalis: Promotion in Romania of energetic willow cultivation technology (Salix Viminalis) as an alternative source of clean energy -TSCE-
Supported under PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0430 in the period 2012-2015

The project entitled Respecting the environment has been supported by the Romanian Environment Fund Administration. Contract no. 357/N/30.06.2011

More about the funding programmes of the EFA