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Switching to district heating systems for diversification of supply, reducing gas dependency and increasing the use of locally available renewable sources

The main idea of this seed money project is to help the uptake of renewable district heating systems based on biomass and solar in the South-east part of Danube region, that way switching from the currently used fossil fuel based heating systems. Due to its scope, the project is addressing the EUSDR Priority Area 2: Sustainable Energy. The topic being tackled is Topic 2 – Promotion of RES: More efficient use of RES. Furthermore, the main project will promote and implement biomass and solar based district heating systems in target cities in Romania, Croatia and Serbia, starting from public buildings representing local demonstration projects.


Project start date: 2018-09-03
Project end date: 2019-08-31
Project status: Closed

Lead Partner (EN): University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering
Green Energy Innovative Biomass Cluster / Green Energy Association

46.960 EUR, EU-funding: 39.916 EUR

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