Biomass thermal plant Sfantu Gheorghe – Tega Company
Green Energy Biomass Cluster promotes and invests in acceleration of the entire biomass chain. Group members participate in numerous activities to promote the valorization and use of woody biomass, including: training sessions on bioenergy issues, active involvement in local projects such as cultivation of energy crops, support for building the biomass thermal plant at TEGA Sfantu Gheorghe.
TEGA company - member of the Cluster - operates in the urban public services area, initiated a large campaign for wood residue collection in cities and villages at the county level. As an example, TEGA uses wood chips as fuel in its heating plant. The capacity of the heat boiler is 200 kWt.
The idea was to collect the wood residues from the green areas. The collected wood residues are chopped and crushed and can be delivered for energy production.
Types of collected waste wood: i.e. forest sanitation, gardening cuttings and cleaning operations. The types of biomass used are wood residues (barks, chips, branches, etc).